Social Services Department

Our Mission:

Empowering the Fort Mojave Tribe through compassionate social services, we ensure the well-being and sustainable independence of families and individuals. From safeguarding children and supporting elders to providing a bridge to crucial resources, we weave a safety net of holistic care, fostering resilience and dignity across generations.

Our Vision:

A future where every Fort Mojave Tribe member thrives, their needs seamlessly met and cultural spirit ablaze. We envision a community where hardship finds swift and lasting solutions, children flourish in nurturing environments, and elders receive the reverence and support they deserve. This vision, where prosperity and cultural vibrancy interlace, guides our dedication to building a brighter future for all.

  • Empowering and compassionate: Focusing on individual agency and dignity.

  • Holistic care: Offering a diverse range of services for all ages and needs.

  • Sustainable independence: Promoting long-term solutions and self-reliance.

  • Resilience and cultural spirit: Supporting traditions and strengthening the community.

  • Safety net and seamless support: Providing immediate aid and proactive solutions.

  • Thriving community: Envisioning a future of prosperity and cultural vibrancy.


Child Welfare:

  • Reduce incidents of child abuse and neglect through preventative education and outreach programs.

  • Increase the number of successful family reunification cases and support families in maintaining a safe and nurturing environment.

  • Ensure appropriate and culturally sensitive foster care placements for children in need.

  • Advocate for legislative and funding changes that benefit Native American children and families.

Adult & Elderly Services:

  • Provide financial assistance and resources to meet the basic needs of individuals and families experiencing hardship.

  • Offer protective services and support to vulnerable adults and elders, including those facing abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

  • Assist with locating appropriate housing options and home health care services for elders and disabled individuals.

  • Partner with tribal and community organizations to provide culturally relevant social services and activities for adults and elders.

Community Resilience and Empowerment:

  • Increase access to educational resources and financial literacy programs to promote self-sufficiency and independent living.

  • Partner with other tribal departments to address underlying issues impacting social well-being, such as housing insecurity and unemployment.

  • Foster cultural pride and identity through community events and celebrations.

  • Advocate for tribal sovereignty and access to federal resources for social services programs.




Cornel Williams

Physical Address:

1591 Plantation Rd.

Mohave Valley, AZ 86440

Mailing Address:

500 Merriman Ave.

Needles, CA 92363